
We’ve got a 28-day return policy in use here at Tiera Reproductions. What this means is that you’ve got 28 days from receiving the order to return it to us. In short, in case of clothing you can try them on to see how they fit and in case of anything else… well, do something along the same lines, see if they are what you expected.

It’s always a great idea to drop us an email to or use the Contact US form before you send the return to clear any questions you might have. 


Here’s a simple guide how to do the return:

Prepare the items:

  1. Download the Returns Form.
  2. Fill it out the form by hand or on the computer before printing it out.
  3. Put the form and the items in a box.
  4. Seal the box with copious amounts of tape.

Return the stuff:

  1. Take the sealed box to the post office (or place of your choice)
  2. Pay for it, ship it and get the tracking number – we won’t refund you if the order disappears and there’s no tracking number!
  3. Notify us over the email or Contact Us-page.
  4. Wait. We’ll refund / swap items once we reiceive the stuff here. We’ll contact you if there are any issues.

Few frequently asked questions:

How much is the return going to cost?

You’ll have to pay for the return shipping yourself. We’ll refund you the original amount of the items, though.

Where do I send the stuff to?

Send it to the following address:

Tiera Reproductions
Petri Peltola
Opiskelijankatu 17 A 12
33720 Tampere

I can’t print out the paper 🙁

You can just use a handwritten paper instead. Just remember to add the following information:


I bought a Tiera made reproduction item and it broke after 30 days.

Oh no! This should not have happened, but it seems it did! Feel free to contact us. We are quite happy to replace broken items! Within reason, of course.